
Which Feed Additive Is Used To Control Parasites


  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • ane.3 Antibacterial agents
  • i.4 Natural chemotherapeutic agents
  • 1.5 Antiparasiticides
  • ane.6 Metabolic modifiers
  • 1.7 Alternatives to antimicrobial feed additives
  • 1.8 Producer responsibilities in feed additive usages
  • 1.ix Summary
  • 1.10 Literature Cited

Originally published equally a National Pork Board Factsheet.

James McKean, Iowa State University


Feed additives are compounds added to swine diets for the purpose of enhancing animal performance. This fact sail focuses on compounds which provide minimal directly nutritional value to the diets. Such additives include antibacterial agents, antiparasitic compounds, metabolic modifiers, probiotics/prebiotics, acidifiers, enzymes and botanicals. Of these classifications, antibacterials metabolic modifiers, and antiparasitic agents are the major ones currently added to swine feeds. Some have been used extensively and successfully in swine production over the last l years.


  • Introduce different types of antibacterial agents and explain their do good
  • Present alternatives to antibacterial agents in swine diets
  • Draw producer responsibilities when using feed additives

Antibacterial agents

Antibacterials (antibiotics and chemotherapeutics) are medicinals added to swine feeds to treat disease, to ameliorate health, or to increase growth performance. A list of compounds and levels canonical for specific purposes such equally growth promotion, prevention of disease, and handling of a specific illness are included in the Feed Additive Compendium [1]. Product and inclusion levels are canonical by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later on review of sponsor submitted scientific data which support claims that the chemical compound is safe, constructive, and properly labeled, and that nutrient derived from treated animals is condom for homo consumption.

Antibacterial agents may exist included in feeds at levels for treatment or prevention of specific diseases, or to promote growth. In some cases the same active compound is approved at dissimilar inclusion levels and fourth dimension limits for any or all of these categories. Antibacterial agents can exist classified every bit antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. Antibiotics are compounds produced by bacteria or molds that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Many antibiotics accept been discovered initially as occurring in nature. Chemotherapeutics may exist chemically synthesized or naturally-occurring compounds that inhibit the growth of microorganisms. They may exist used solitary or in conjunction with antibiotics for the purposes of enhancing growth and feed efficiency, or for disease control in swine. Antibacterial products may be used for individual or in group treatment regimens. Generally feed additives are less constructive for treatment of sudden onset disease conditions because the sick swine reduce daily feed intake. This inclination plus the historic FDA practice of approving feed additives at the dosage rates close to the minimum effective therapeutic level results in total daily drug consumption for ill swine that may not reach a useful level.

This factor coupled with the difficulty in quickly changing diets in feed bins and feeders has favored the implementation of handling programs that employ water or individual treatment every bit the avenue of choice for acute disease treatment, rather than feed-based.

Where an outbreak is predictable or when using pulse medication programs to control chronic affliction conditions, these concerns may be alleviated past timing strategic inclusions. Pulse medication (high drug levels for short and predetermined time periods) programs by and large are used to command a disease organism for 1 to iii weeks, every bit the swine develop immunity to the organism prior to the time it raises to illness-causing levels. Multiple pulses, at 3 to four week intervals, may be needed to attain such furnishings for selected organisms. Strategic applications of handling drug concentrations prior to an anticipated disease onset or the use of pulse medication programs may be appropriate methods to reduce total medication levels, peculiarly in abound-finish swine. Veterinary advice to develop and maximize these intervention strategies is of import to successful implementation.

Table 1

Additions of antibacterials at not-handling levels accept been used as growth promoters by and large and every bit preventatives for specific diseases in swine for over 50 years. The mechanism of action for growthpromotion has not been conclusively demonstrated, but has generally been considered to effect from metabolic, nutritional or disease control effects in the animals. Most of the benefits have been ascribed to increased digestive tract office or improved full general wellness of medicated swine. Antibacterials have maintained effectiveness since their introduction in the 1950's. Hays [2] and Zimmerman [3] summarized the applicable studies on the effects of growth-promotants on pig performance during the periods of 1950 to 1977 and 1977 to 1985, respectively (Table 1).

Table 2

Many individual antibacterial agents and combinations are approved for employ in swine diets. The more mutual additives and their withdrawal times are listed in Table 2. Pick of a specific feed additive and the level necessary for optimal response is dependent on several factors including: intended purpose—treatment, prevention or growth promotion, the phase of production, disease pressures within the herd, and required withdrawal time. Utilize levels of feed additives must comply with FDA approvals and the manufacturer'southward directions. Producers must know the approved use levels and withdrawal periods of the products they utilize. Extra-label usage (unapproved levels or indications) of antibacterials in feeds is specifically prohibited by the Creature Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) passed by Congress in 1995.

Growth promotants are routinely used in weaned pigs to help with the stresses associated with weaning and changes in diets. The NAHMS 2000 swine survey indicated that lxxx.1% of sites containing wean to market pigs used antibacterials in feeds. Their utilize is less common in grower-terminate diets. Table 1 demonstrates the relative production improvements expected in these age classes. In addition, more variable responses may be seen as swine achieve heavier weights. Such experiences accept enabled many producers to determine that growth promotants through-out the product cycle were not cost-effective under their management systems. Nether these weather condition producers accept removed them from growfinish use, while maintaining use in the nursery-early grower stages.

Table 3

Generally, benefits from antibacterials in gestation diets other than during the breeding period are minimal, therefore apply has been express. A summary of nine inquiry trials showed that a high level (0.5 to 1.0 gram/ sow/solar day) of an absorbable antibiotic (tetracyclines) fed prior to and at breeding improved farrowing rate past vii% to 10% and litter size by 0.four to 0.five pig/ litter at the subsequent farrowing [four]. Table 3 suggests that weaning weights and pig survival are increased slightly when absorbable antibacterials are included in prefarrowing and lactation diets [4].

A major concern has been raised in food-animate being systems over the use of antimicrobials also effective in human affliction command. The emergence of drug-resistant microbial populations in humans and animals, and the potential for cross-contamination between populations take resulted in public health officials world-wide requesting a sharp reduction of growth-promoting antibacterials in nutrient animals. Governmental and industry responses take varied between countries based on different regulatory approaches and consumer pressures. The European Union has banned growth promotants in feeds of food animals. These problems, also as the bug of antimicrobial resistance in food animals and its public health importance continue to be studied in other countries. These examinations may consequence in deportment to reduce the use of antimicrobial growth-promotants through legislative or regulatory routes. Increased scrutiny by consumers may also result in the development of sizable markets for swine raised without growth-promoters as a consumer safety and quality issue. Producers should remain vigilant for changes in consumer demands or regulatory approaches. Recent experiences in Denmark accept demonstrated that traditional growth-promotants could exist removed from abound-finish swine diets without substantially compromising swine wellness or performance. However, when these withdrawals were expanded to the nursery production many producers experienced substantial decreases in swine health and productivity, which required noun management changes and an increase in employ of treatment level drugs. Like experiences could be expected under N American product systems.

Natural chemotherapeutic agents

Table 4

Copper sulfate and zinc oxide have been identified equally naturally occurring chemotherapeutic agents that have growth promoting furnishings in grow-stop swine diets. Both copper and zinc are required for normal growth at low inclusion levels in swine diets. Elemental copper at 6 to xi ppm and zinc at 75 to 125 ppm run across these nutritional requirements. Copper possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties and is an effective growth promotant when fed at concentrations of 100 to 250 ppm in the diet [5,half-dozen]. The combination of copper and a growth promotant antibody results in a greater growth response than the feeding of copper or antibiotics alone in the starter rations [iv,7], (Table four). Zinc oxide at levels of 1500 to 3000 ppm fed for 2 to iii weeks after weaning has been found useful for non-specific control of post-weaning diarrheas. Apply of these compounds for extended periods at high levels may event in ecology contamination of ground where manure is spread. Copper toxicity in sheep is attained at low levels (three.5-20 mg/kg BW daily consumption), specially on low molybdenum containing pastures. Therefore circumspection when applying high copper manure to pasture lands is required. Zinc compounds will besides enhance soil levels but virtually animals are less susceptible to toxicosis. Inclusion of high levels of zinc oxide for longer than 3 to 4 weeks or of levels higher than 250 ppm of copper sulfate for extended periods may cause directly toxic furnishings in pigs. Therefore, producers should check with their feed manufacturer well-nigh the concentrations of copper, iron, and zinc present in commercial feeds or mineral mixes before providing copper or zinc supplementations to feeds, and should avoid excessive inclusion rates or extended feeding periods. In several European countries, to minimize soil build-up of copper or zinc, public concerns accept mandated restricted usage of these products in diets.


Swine are susceptible to infection by numerous species of internal and several species of external parasites. These parasites vary widely in their life bike, and extent of injury capacity for swine. Feed has been used to provide effective administration for many anthelminthic products for many years. In most applications the drug is used for a prescribed interval and dosage rate.

Table 5

This regimen purges the adult parasites and may kill developing larvae depending on the product selected. Once the drug is withdrawn the animal is again able to become infected upon exposure to contaminated environment or animals. 2 dewormers (pyrantel tartrate and hygromycin B) are canonical for continuous inclusion in the diet. Pyrantel tartrate has been marketed for command of ascarid (large round worm) larval past continuously feeding at low inclusion levels to post-weaned pigs. A combination of routine exposure to ascarid eggs and suppression of larval transport through the body enable protection against parasite damage to be achieved during the feeding period and some level of immunity adult to protect from hereafter infections. The introduction of feedgrade mange and lice control formulations has facilitated the year-circular control of these parasites, limited the demand for individual treatment or use of insecticide sprays, and made whole-herd eradication programs more feasible. The broad range of products available, the varied life cycles, withdrawal times (Table 5), and the ecology and regional impacts of these parasites makes it advisable to obtain professional veterinarian help when formulating a parasite control or eradication program.

Metabolic modifiers

Metabolic modifiers accept been proposed to modulate physiologic processes to amend animate being productivity. In swine initial efforts centered around modifying protein and fat deposition in finishing swine using several different metabolic pathways. In the U.s.a., a beta-agonist compound, Ractopamine hydrochloride has been approved for use in finishing feeds to increase protein and reduce fatty deposition in finishing swine. Research has been reported that inclusion in the diet for the last five weeks of finishing increased the fatty-gratis lean by up to 3.viii%, increased loin eye area by 5.0%, reduced ten rib dorsum fat past 18%, and increased protein production past 2.iv% without adversely effecting meat quality traits [8]. Dosage levels and timing are approved equally part of the label instructions. Beta-agonist compounds apply in nutrient animals has been prohibited by regulatory actions in other countries considering of human health concerns. Some specialty markets in the United states and all pork exports to the European Spousal relationship accept precluded usage. In response USDA-AMS has developed a certification and auditing system and USDA-FSIS has adult rapid tests to detect ractopamine HCL residues in an effort to guarantee swine accept not received this product when so claimed.

Alternatives to antimicrobial feed additives

Probiotics/prebiotics. Probiotics are a class of feed additives consisting of living bacteria and/or yeast cultures fed to improve desirable microflora balance inside the pocket-size and large intestine. Numerous production formulations are available for inclusion in swine feeds [nine]. Most common mixtures comprise 1 or more of the Lactobacillus species, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus faecium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other commenseal species. To be effective, the desirable microbes must establish every bit normal inhabitants of the abdominal tract of healthy animals by surviving and flourishing in the gut environments. These mixtures are thought to work by either directly excluding harmful leaner or past reducing intestinal pH to indirectly favor the development of other desirable health-promoting microorganisms which compete with harmful bacteria to reduce their presence in the gut. The desired effect is to improve weight proceeds and feed efficiency past improving gut digestion and reducing pathogenic organism loads.

Although probiotics accept been commercialized and available for more than 50 years, documented evidence of their therapeutic and nutritional value has been quite variable. Possible reasons for the lack of consequent results are low or variable viability of microbial cultures, strain differences in cultures selected, dose level and frequency of product feeding, antimicrobial and feed ingredient interactions which reduce/neutralize viable colonies before feeding, and composition of diet. Further research may refine the products and conditions of apply which will ensure reproducible results.

Prebiotics may be defined equally nutrient/feed substances that beneficially affect the host past selectively stimulating growth or activity of favorable bacterial species in the gut. They stand for an emerging area of enquiry interest with potential for inclusion in feed rations of swine. Current prebiotics are primarily derived from oligopolysaccharide compounds. These compounds provide nutrient substrates for beneficial bacteria and may exist used to selectively boost the colonization of acrid-producing bacteria. Many of the advantaged bacteria are similar to those found in probiotic mixtures. Therefore combination regimens of selected prebiotics and probiotic compounds may arise to ameliorate gut wellness and pig performance. Further inquiry may refine these products, interactions with other compounds, and identify use weather which will upshot in reproducible beneficial results when added to feeds.

Acidifiers in feeds. Acidified feeds may assistance better the digestive processes in swine through a variety of mechanisms, although the style(s) of activity are not fully understood. Consumption of acidified feeds may decrease the stomach pH which results in increased pepsin action and slowing of tum emptying. Both of these actions generally should assist to increase protein digestion and utilization. Reduced stomach pH may provide a more hospitable gut environment for beneficial microbes (see probiotics above) and reduce growth of E. coli, Salmonella and other gut-associated pathogens. Organic acids practical to feeds may reduce feed degradation and microbial loads. Fumaric, citric and proprionic acids and mixtures of organic and inorganic acids are commercially available for use in swine diets. In production systems utilizing liquid feeds, pre-feeding fermentation processes have been developed to reduce feed pH and increase diet digestibility. Newly weaned pigs appear to proceeds the greatest benefits from inclusion of acidified feeds. Grow-finish operation may be more variable. Fermentation of liquid feeds has demonstrated do good in reducing Salmonella carriers at the farm level. Inclusion rates for acidifiers vary with the product selected. Generally to be effective a 1 to 3% inclusion rate is required. Nether specific production atmospheric condition these inclusion levels may be economically justified.

Botanicals. Botanicals are compounds derived from roots, leaves, bawl, flowers or other parts of plants. A number of herbaceous compounds accept been proposed to possess useful antimicrobial, antiparasitic or antioxidant backdrop. Botanicals have been reported to increment feed intake, stimulate secretion of digestive juices and the allowed organisation, provide direct antibacterial activeness and ameliorate oxidative stability in animate being products. Recent interest has focused on the potentials for botanicals to express antimicrobial or antioxidant properties, and to act every bit alternatives to antimicrobials in feeds [10]. Oils of diverse spices may contain natural antioxidants, by and large tocopherols or phenoles. Problems associated with authorisation evaluation of unrefined products, standardization of active ingredient extraction, and determination of appropriate inclusion levels for specific effects are current limitations to widespread use. Additional research to screen various botanicals, to identify and quantify active ingredients for useful characteristics, and to develop inclusion regimens for antibacterial, antiparasitic or antioxidant effects for products currently available is required before scientific discipline-based recommendations can be made . There take been a limited number of controlled trials reported to support/quantify proposed benefits of botanical inclusions in swine diets, merely given the world-wide commercial interest in these compounds additional information should be forthcoming.

Other additives. Flavors may be added to diets to enhance the aroma or taste of the feed. Nearly research data suggest flavors are of limited benefit unless one is attempting to mask off-odors or off-flavors in feeds. Enzymes may be included in feeds for the purpose of assisting in the digestive process. Footling benefit from enzyme supplementation can be expected in traditional grain-based diets fed in the USA, but may be beneficial where non-traditional feedstocks are used. Exceptions to this observation are beta-glucanase and phytase. Beta-glucanase has been shown to enhance utilization of barley that is rich in beta-glucans. This complex saccharide interferes with the pig's ability to efficiently digest and use barley nutrients.

Swine, like other monogastric animals, possess virtually no inherent phytase digestive activity, and consequentially have poor utilization of phosphorus in plant-based diets. When added to these diets, the phytase enzyme aids in the digestion of phytate phosphorus; therefore, increasing plant-based phosphorus availability for the monogastric animal. Use of phytase reduces the corporeality of supplemental inorganic phosphorus required in diets to meet the pig'southward dietary phosphorus requirements. Additionally there is evidence indicating that phytase positively affects the availability of calcium and other minerals such as manganese, zinc, copper, iron, and utilization of energy and amino acids that are phytate jump.

Phytase inclusion stimulates better utilization of total dietary phosphorous in the gut, enabling producers to reduce total phosphorous levels in the diet while coming together intake requirements. These dietary changes result in substantial decreases in residual phosphorus in manure, and offer the potential for reduced feed costs. As land applications of manure go more regulated using a phosphorous-based standard, this condiment should receive greater attention.

Producer responsibilities in feed additive usages

Participation in the Pork Quality Assurance Programme- Level III [11] of the National Pork Lath will provide valuable information in managing the employ of medicated feed additives. Producers should follow directions for each feed condiment every bit provided by the manufacturer on the product characterization to obtain maximum benefit. When using medicated feed additives adherence to these instructions are required by law. Consultation with a veterinary or nutritionist about the cost-constructive and beneficial employ of the various feed additive classifications higher up may meliorate pork production quality and provide competitive advantages.

When using medicated feeds producers must:

  1. Read the feed tag to assure the additive is being fed at approved concentrations and indications. Employ medicated feeds only equally approved by FDA (characterization directions). Comply with the published withdrawal times to avoid residues.
  2. Maintain mixing and distribution records to demonstrate that appropriate actions to avoid crosscontamination and product corruption were taken, including identification of the responsible political party when additives are used. (see PQA- Level 3 booklet p.87 for sample records)
  3. Provide appropriate clean-out, sequencing and bin/feeder identification procedures to avoid crosscontamination or mis-delivery in feed mixing, delivery or storage devices.
  4. Obtain professional advice on the pick and use of medication regimens in feed.

Approved use concentrations and indications, instructions for use in feed, and withdrawal times for antimicrobial compounds are regulated by the FDA. USDA-FSIS (United States Department of Agronomics Food Rubber and Inspection Service) has the responsibility to monitor pork carcasses at packing plants for prove of harmful chemical residues. Every bit specialty markets aggrandize some otherwise approved products may be precluded by the specialty marketplace production requirements. Every pork producer must take precautions to abide by FDA required pre-slaughter withdrawal times for feed additives and other medications, and to understand the markets into which her/his product is being sold. Disregarding these regulations or marketplace requirements could result in a sizable budgetary loss to individual producers.


Feed additives available to producers include antibacterial agents, antiparasiticides, metabolic modifiers, acidifiers, probiotics/prebiotics, botanicals, flavors, and enzymes. Research and historical experience have demonstrated that antibacterials provide the most consistent generalized improvements in growth rate and feed efficiency of the feed additives above. Alternatives to these compounds are actively existence sought because of the increased consumer concerns most antimicrobial resistance in nutrient animals. To maximize returns, producers should develop a tailored feed condiment program based on specific production needs and electric current inquiry information. Consultation with a practicing veterinarian and an animal nutritionist to formulate effective medication and feed additive programs volition do good producers and consumers of pork.

Literature Cited

1. Feed Additive Compendium. Miller Publishing Co., Minnetonka, MN 55343. 2004.

ii. Hays VW. Effectiveness of feed condiment usage of antibacterial agents in swine and poultry product. Office of Engineering Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C. 1977.

3. Zimmerman DR. Role of subtherapeutic levels of antimicrobials in pigs. J Anim Sci 1986;62 Suppl three:17.

4. Cromwell GL. Antimicrobial agents, In: Miller ER, Ullrey DE, Lewis AJ, editors. Swine nutrition. Boston: Butterworth- Heinemann; 1991.

5. Braude R. Proceedings of Copper in Farming Symposium. Copper Development Association. London, UK. 1975.

6. Cromwell GL, et al. Loftier levels of copper equally a growth stimulant in starter diets for weanling pigs. Kentucky Swine Research Report No. 274, 1983.

7. Stahly TS, et al. Furnishings of the dietary inclusion of copper and (or) antibiotics on the functioning of weanling pigs. J Anim Sci 1980;51:1347.

8. Herr CT, et al. Issue of Nutritional Level While Feeding PayleanTM to Belatedly-Finishing Swine [Online]. 2000 Available from: 2000/htr.

nine. Direct Fed Microbial, Enzyme and Forage Condiment Compendium. Miller Publishing Co., Minnetonka, MN. 1993.

x. Wenk C. Growth Promoter Alternatives. Proceedings of 17th Int'l Pig Vet. Soc. Ames, IA. 2002.

eleven. Quality Assurance. A Plan of America'south Pork Producers – Level III. National Pork Board, Des Moines, IA. 2002.

Table ane. Improvements in pig operation fed antibacterials during years of 1950-1985. aStarter menstruation from almost 15 to 55 lb and grower-finisher from 55 to 200 lb body weight. bHays [2], 15,689 pigs cZimmerman [three], 10,083 pigs during the summertime of 1999 (adapted from Rozeboom, [46]).

Table 2. Withdrawal time for antibacterials in swine feeds. aFeed Additive Compendium [1] bAt 500 g/ton use level, withdraw 5 days before slaughter cWithdraw from feed 20 days earlier slaughter when neomycin base inclusion is 140 grand/ton and 5 days earlier slaughter when neomycin base is beneath 140 g/ton. d In combination with pyrantel tartrate withdraw x weeks (70 days) earlier slaughter

Table iii. Antibacterial agents in the prefarrowing and lactation diet for sows. Cromwell [4]; Summary of 11 experiments, 2,105 litters bTretracyclines, chlortetracycline-sulfamethazine-penicillin, tylosin or copper sulfate fed from iii-5 days prepartum through 7-12 days of lactation

Table 4. Effects of copper and antibacterial additions on performance of weanling pigs. aTwo trials involving 256 pigs from 4 to viii weeks of age (xv to xxx lb) b250 ppm copper as copper sulfate c55 ppm chlortetracycline in i experiment, 27 ppm of virginiamycin in a second experiment.

Table 5. Withdrawal time for anthelmintics in swine feeds. Feed Additive Compendium [1]

Which Feed Additive Is Used To Control Parasites,


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