Mass Effect ii outfitted Commander Shepard with a new squad, save for Garrus and Tali, leaving players to wonder what happened to the rest of the squadmates who took down Saren. Upon visiting Illium, Shepard had a chance to reunite with Liara T'Soni, who had gear up shop as an information broker. On the surface, she seemed to exist doing well, but underneath her cool exterior, it was obvious she was in over her caput.

From the offset, the Illusive Human being told Shepard that Liara was not to exist trusted, equally she was probably working for the Shadow Broker. He later provided information to deliver to her to help track the broker and save her friend, Feron -- while also grabbing a seat of ability fifty-fifty she never dreamed she'd concord.

Mission: Liara'due south Apartment

Mass Effect 2 Liara's apartment on Illium

Subsequently reuniting with Liara on Illium and presenting her with Cerberus intel that could lead to the Shadow Broker'southward lair, Shepard offers to meet with Liara to assistance figure things out. Caput down to the car port near the police station and accept a cab to Liara'southward flat. Upon arrival, at that place are several Asari law officers investigating a potential shooting. Liara is nowhere to be found, but an Asari Spectre named Tela Vasir dismisses the police to work with Shepard on her own. Conversation with Vasir differs based on whether Shepard's Spectre status was reinstated or non.

According to Vasir, someone attempted to assassinate Liara, who managed to escape, merely not before leaving an important clue, which neither Vasir nor the police were able to find. She invites Shepard to search the apartment, which opens multiple interactive items and locations, including the bullet holes in in the drinking glass and Shepard's old N7 armor. In Liara's bedroom is a photograph that changes from the SSV Normandy to a Prothean dig site when Shepard touches information technology, suggesting it was coded to Shepard'southward touch.

This leads to the adjacent round of investigation, focusing on the iii Prothean relics on display. Interacting with the relics eventually leads to a fill-in disk at the bottom of the staircase, revealing Liara's last chat with a Salarian named Sekat. Sekat claims he has narrowed downward the location of the Shadow Broker'south base to a cluster and possible system, and asks Liara to meet him at his part in the Dracon Trade Center.

Mission: The Dracon Trade Center

Dracon Trade Center on Illium in Mass Effect 2

Afterward arriving, Vasir tells Shepard that Baria Frontiers is located on the third floor, just before iii floors of the building explode in an endeavor to keep Liara from getting Sekat'south intel. Vasir suggests splitting up, with Shepard and squad going through the forepart doors and working their manner up, while Vasir seals off the get out from the roof. In the first expanse, there'southward a Baria employee, but Vasir assures Shepard it's unlikely Liara'due south contact survived. Grab the iii,750 credits from the locker nearby and proceed to the elevator, which isn't working. Head up the stairs instead and grab the med-gel.

The next area contains the Salarian Embassy and Nezo Transportations, both of which are locked. Examine the dead employee to discover they died from gunfire, non the explosion. Grab the PDA on the basis for 2,500 credits and another medical station with medi-gel up the right hand stairs. The side by side plaza has an ATM to hack for half-dozen,250 credits and some power cells before advancing to inspect the unarmed bomb outside Baria Frontiers.

Shoot out the glass and prepare for a fight with agents of the Shadow Broker. Take cover below the window and take out three of the four enemies from a distance earlier heading inside to lure out the fourth enemy. While advancing, iv more enemies spawn, including a Shadow Broker Vanguard. Take them out and grab the iii,000 credits from the terminal on the left side of the room. Advance slowly, picking off enemies equally they appear. Once eliminated, caput into the side room to hack the terminal for some other 3,000 credits and grab the medi-gel from the cafeteria.

Fire blocks the next stairwell, and so head into the left side room to notice the maintenance controls to disable it. Grab the crate of Eezo and salvage the machinery for 1,500 credits, so advance to the upper level where more combat. Accept out enemies and caput in to catch the Heavy Pistol Damage from the research last earlier going into the next room to grab 5,000 credits from the wall safe. Liara's contact is shown being shot before Vasir takes out the shooter. She asks if they found Liara's body, at which point Liara reveals herself and exposes Vasir every bit the enemy.

Mission: Chasing Vasir

Mass Effect 2 Illium Skycar Chase

Vasir tries to escape with the data, but Shepard tackles them through a window, and she makes a run for information technology. Liara pursues her, non fifty-fifty because Shepard and their squad, who are left to boxing through Shadow Broker agents. Take them out as speedily as possible to bring together Liara exterior just equally Vasir is seen escaping with the data. A highspeed skycar chase ensues with Shepard at the wheel, following the red target on the map through heavy traffic and unsafe tunnels. Follow quickly, every bit Vasir can disappear without a trace, resetting the hunt.

Eventually, Shepard chases Vasir into an accident that crashes her skycar onto the Azure Hotel. With Liara as a squadmate for the remainder of the mission, terminate and distribute her points earlier pursuing Vasir'south path. At the meridian of the stairs, several waves of agents engage, landing at regular intervals around the lot. Have them all out, making sure to get rid of as many as possible earlier the next wave drops. Once they've all been eliminated, grab the med-kit from the skycar and 1,500 credits from the bank terminal.

Caput left and into the glass doors. Bypass the wall safe for 6,000 credits and take hold of the med-kit before going into the room with an Asari and their patron with a racy groundwork video on the wall screen. Go exterior to Vasir's automobile and grab the power cells and the Harm Protection Upgrade from the cleaved panel before post-obit Vasir's blood trail into another room with a weapons locker, a med-kit, a medical station and a datapad worth 2,500 credits.

Follow the trail exterior and take hold of upward to Vasir, who grabs a nearby noncombatant and holds a gun to her caput to try and dissuade Shepard from pursuing. There are Renegade and Paragon options available here that can go on the hostage from getting killed, only if Shepard's morality is too low, they volition have to comply with Vasir'due south demands and pursue without thermal clips for the next fight.

Finally coming face to face with Vasir, she has heavy barriers that make battling her a claiming. Once her barriers have been knocked downwardly a little, she will hibernate while rocket drones and agents join the fray. It takes some time to whittle her downwards enough to kill her, merely one time she'due south been incapacitated, grab the information (which Liara forwards to the Normandy) and end off Vasir. A conversation with Liara follows that offers Renegade/Paragon interrupts to convince her to slow down and offer reassurance to her earlier the next part of the mission commences.

Mission: Infiltrating the Shadow Broker'south Lair

After landing on the ship, head left to navigate the exterior. There are occasional enemies along the pathways, both organic and mechanical. After taking out the first of the mechanic drones, grab the salvage nearby for 3,000 credits and head upwards to the catwalk. Liara notes that the conductors release electrical blasts if targeted, and those blasts can incapacitate enemies and accept out their shields, sometimes outright killing unshielded enemies. Take advantage of this while proceeding across the ship.

Head down to the lower platform again, where LOKI mechs are waiting. Take them out and grab the Capacitor Components for 4,000 credits before proceeding on the righthand path where more mechs wait. Eliminate them and head upwardly the ramp and through the door. Along this path are some power cells and a Palladium crate. Sally and follow the ramps, grabbing the medi-gel from the station before heading into the adjacent battle at the pinnacle of the ramps. Afterward defeating them, hop over the bulwark and have out the enemies there before heading back down where three more than LOKI mechs are waiting. Battle through waves of enemies to reach the meridian of the hull and activate the panel controls to open upwards a pathway.

Fight through enemies to find the command rods and advance toward the door, which Liara volition need to hack open. This takes fourth dimension, and multiple waves of enemies ensue. Protect the door until the hack completes, and then caput inside the Shadow Broker'due south lair.

Mission: Defeat the Shadow Broker

Shepard and team volition battle through multiple agents on their fashion to find Feron. After finding him, they find that he's continued to the transport, and his brain volition be fried if they try to pull him out. They demand to cut the power, which means finally facing the Shadow Broker. Battle through any remaining Shadow Banker agents on the path to his lair, and then grab the 4,500 credits from the terminal and a med-kit before confronting the Shadow Broker.

Following a cutscene, the Shadow Broker knocks out Shepard'due south second companion, leaving only Shepward and Liara to battle him. Take cover and begin the first round of combat. The showtime office of the fight is relatively easy. Simply shoot at the Broker until he brings upward a kinetic barrier that deflects bullets and biotics. Run upward to him and fight him using melee attacks. Repeat this procedure, taking note that, after the first time, he volition brainstorm charging at Shepard, so be on baby-sit.

After iii rounds, you won't have done much damage, simply Liara tells Shepard she has a plan. The Shadow Broker needs to be lured into the center, so provide the distraction she needs to draw the electrified liquid downward to destroy him for good. With the Shadow Broker dead, agents begin calling in for instructions, believing something to exist wrong. While listening to their harried communications, Liara picks upward the comm and assumes the role of Shadow Broker to calm them. With Feron free and Liara taking the reigns as the next Shadow Broker, she gains unlimited access to a galactic-wide network of information that could very well save the Galaxy.

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