
Neo Spacian Exodia Duel Links

Exodia FTK deck (Before 2019 Mar)

Duel Links Deck, Exodia, Granddad'southward Cards

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update 05/03/2019

Table of contents

  • Overview
  • Instance deck
  • How to Utilise (Treasure Panda Version)
  • How to Use (Silent Sorcerer Version)
  • How to Use (Red-Eyes Version)
  • Other useful cards
  • Other example decks
  • Rex of Games [April 2018]


Your main goal with this deck is to win the duel as soon as possible by gathering all pieces of Exodia in your manus. Simple even so, quite difficult to pull off without some luck, or amazing search and depict ability which this deck is all almost.

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Win Status

Exodia is i of, if not the well-nigh, popular alternate win condition in YuGiOh. By assembling all 5 pieces of Exodia in your hand you automatically win the duel. This is easier said than washed, but considering of this powerful consequence there are some decks builds that are entirely made to complete Exodia.

Instance deck

Treasure Panda Version

Spellbound Silent Version

Red-Eyes Version

Set skill

How to Employ (Treasure Panda Version)

Night World Depict

Nighttime Worlds are an excellent depict engine to sparse your deck, with their key card Dark World Dealings. Use Night World Dealings to discard Snoww, Unlight of Dark World or Broww Huntsman of Dark World and draw a card. When Broww is discarded he allows you to draw some other card. If Snoww is discarded she searches your deck for some other Dark World carte du jour. Search out Another re-create of Dark Earth Dealings, but if you already have Dark World Dealings in your mitt you lot can search out another Dark World monster.

Exodia Parts Draw Engine

What makes this deck unlike from other Exodia Builds is that you are able to use the Exodia parts as a draw engine. Special summon the limbs of
Exodia with Treasure Panda'due south event and then send them to the graveyard with Wonder Wand or White Elephant'due south Gift to draw ii more cards. The Head of Exodia is dissimilar because information technology is an effect monster therefore does not piece of work with Treasure Panda and White Elephant's Gift but y'all can normal summon it and utilize it with Wonder Wand.

Consistency Boost

If in case you bricked and could not utilise any of your describe engines Magical Mallet could help you lot restart your paw by returning some or all cards back to the deck, but is a minus 1 itself. Legion the Fiend Jester can be used with Wonder Wand to draw ii cards plus search out an Exodia Limb, if needed he tin besides be set to human activity like a pocket-size wall just so you don't become OTKed that plough.

Backup Soldier

Backup Soldiers is your key to winning, because it will be the concluding bill of fare you activate to assemble all your Exodia pieces. Since y'all used some Exodia pieces as draw engines, some will be in your graveyard. When all Exodia pieces are in either your hand or your graveyard, set Backup Soldiers and turn on self chain. Activate Backup Soldiers during your opponent's draw phase when he has trivial to respond with. If successful you will immediately win with Exodia.

How to Utilise (Silent Wizard Version)

Gilt Sarcophagus

Golden Sarcophagus searches whatever card in your deck but the 2 turn wait is as well tiresome. So it is best not to banish your Exodia pieces if you desire to terminate the duel rapidly. Instead y'all should banish Wonder Wands/Blue Dragon Summoners to sparse your deck, as they tin can exist difficult to use particularly if y'all've already used upwards your normal summon.

Silent Magician

Silent Wizard provides your deck with an alternate win condition and access to a more powerful draw engine. The Non-LV Silent Magician can easily become a powerful beater because of this deck's draw power and when she is destroyed yous can special summon Silent Magician LV8 from your deck. If you lot want to take a adventure just for some actress draws, y'all tin equip Silent Magician with Wonder Wand and send them to the graveyard to draw 2 cards.

Silent Burning

Silent Burning is an extremely powerful draw card that you can but employ when you lot accept Silent Magician on the field. To maximize efficiency, this should always be the last draw carte you activate after you have wearied your entire hand, also identify as many cards as y'all tin can on the field so that yous tin draw more. You can then banish this card in your graveyard to search out a Silent Magician monster, further thinning your deck.

Depict and Search

To gather all pieces of Exodia in your hand quickly from a 25 card deck (20 cards to register equally a usable deck + v Exodia pieces added with the skill.) y'all will demand plenty of describe and search ability. Philharmonic Wonder Wand with Blue Dragon Summoner is splendid for both these reasons. Equip Wonder Wand to Bluish Dragon Summoner and then send them to the graveyard with Wonder Wand's result to draw two cards, this volition also trigger the effect of Blueish Dragon Summoner allowing yous to search an Exodia Arm or Leg piece.(Continue in Listen that you lot cannot search out the Head piece of Exodia as it is an consequence monster.)
Night World Dealings Helps you dig deeper into your deck simply be careful as information technology is essentially a minus 1 so be sure to save a Silent Burning to replenish your hand.

How to Utilize (Red-Optics Version)

Summon Cerise-Optics

Ruby-Eyes B. Dragon and Reddish-Eyes Zombie Dragon in this deck are primarily used to stall, and also thin your deck when used with Cards of the Red Rock. Well-nigh times, yous should non desire to attack if you simply have 1 Cherry-Optics on the field and your opponent has a fix spell/trap carte. Only attack when y'all know it'due south safe, or when you are left with no other option.

Other useful cards

Other instance decks

King of Games [April 2018]


IGN Set Skill Date Submitted
Dankiroth Granpa's Card Apr 19



Lost to this deck on the opponent first plough, definitely wasn't fun.

<< Anonymous

information technology'south non like your opponent can win every single duel also


this deck bricks very bad than BEUD. really required proficient starting hand. and got 1st turn and never play cup of ace in exodia decks. the dice never positive


If there are enough lv 4s you can use illuminknight


Returns of Exodia

#DuelReplay #DuelLinks


3 silent magicians + Wonder Wand


what near heart of the underdog, viel of darkness, and a agglomeration of normal dark monsters

<< Anonymous

Veil of Darkness isn't swell for Centre of the Underdog Exodia. Information technology stops on an Exodia limb, unlike Heart, adds more than cards that end Centre (and Veil) since yous have less Normal Monsters/DARKs, etc. You're much amend off picking one or the other. Middle's typically amend, but Veil lets you utilise effect monsters I guess. (But much fewer meatshields.)


High gamble 2 get esopia

<< Anonymous(Jurangi)

SR Ranked ticket for more copies of Heart of the Underdogs.

<< Bearding(anon)

use 3 reload too

<< Bearding(anon)

Drop iii monsters. Add three Reloads for space drawing loop to get around cartoon into a HoTU and the end of the chain and breaking the loop. Prioritize high def monsters.

<< Anonymous(Jurangi)

You can also use Xanthous Exchange bill of fare Tickets


Use center of the underdog

<< Anonymous(Terry)

Actually I tried one haha. Ridiculous. You lot just draw x cards in one turn


What about a Crystal Animal deck that uses rare value and the deck thinning abilities of the crystal fauna to become exodia out quickly. You lot can fifty-fifty employ crystal raigeki as a adept removal option


Any idea for exodia deck with bill of fare of conscience? Maybe combining it with cosmo blue optics for stall/protection? I tried combining it with Panda but information technology's just every bit bricky as regular panda.


Simply got someone pulled exodia in turn ane with Treasure Panda. They drew their entire deck in ane turn. Wtf. How are you supposed to fight confronting a deck like that.

<< Anonymous

You don't, just know you are that getting a paw that can FTK is really rare, so congrats, you simply won the most unfun lottery e'er


I have better luck with this than with panda or HoT (I swear everyone just summon 2k+ beater in the first plow these days). Pretty expressionless if you tin can't become yubel past thr 3rd turn though. Anyway to make it meliorate?

<< Anonymous

if you have any Sphere Kuriboh throw them in there.. also i'd throw in some Planet Pathfinders. You need to be able to get to your Mount as quickly as possible and it'll help sparse your deck faster. Sangan would be adept too. It can search Yubel and can be destroyed in hand by Mountain or Yaksha to activate. I'd drop pretty much all of those traps and Econ. Possibly keep the Canadia.

<< Anonymous(Dankiroth)

Y'all mean Burn King Island, right?

Mount is a different Field Spell entirely.

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